Blog and News

Conference Room Technology: Essentials for Optimizing Meeting Spaces

We explore essential components of conference room technology to help you create an environment optimized for effective meetings.

Streamline Your Conference Room with an All-in-One Videobar

Take your meetings to a new level with an All-in-One Videobar

Wireless presentation & collaboration for council chambers & other municipal meeting spaces

Wireless presentation & collaboration for council chambers & other municipal meeting spaces 

6 advantages of using Cynap meeting room technology

Unlocking the potential of wireless presentation, web conferencing, and collaboration!

8 essentials when choosing Conference Room Technology

We explore some essential considerations when selecting the ideal AV technology for your conference room.

Easy wireless screen sharing for meeting rooms

Introducing WolfVision technology into your meeting room makes wireless screen sharing easier than ever before. 

New multi-platform web conferencing feature added to Cynap systems

Firmware release version v1.52j brings new features and functionality

Hybrid Meetings – supporting your hybrid workforce

In hybrid meetings it's important that compromises are not introduced that limit our ability to collaborate effectively together.

Bringing hybrid classes & meetings to life

Simply use your WolfVision Visualizer to transform the quality of your online on-screen content material.