vSolution MATRIX - Next generation collaborative working & learning

Our award-winning vSolution MATRIX AVoIP-based multi-screen content sharing solution now comes with a range of amazing new features and functionality. 

vSolution MATRIX: Now supports dual screen main displays

The new version of vSolution MATRIX, our popular AVoIP-based collaboration solution is now available.

The system uses Cynap Pro / Cynap Core Pro units to stream video/audio between multiple screens. It is an ideal solution for multi-workstation active learning classrooms, training rooms, and multi-screen courtroom setups. 

This next generation solution offers greater performance, is easier to use, and offers additional functionality for users.

Active learning classroom at London Business school
Active learning classroom at London Business school

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vSolution MATRIX product brochure
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What's new in vSolution MATRIX

  • The Room View provides a live view of all screens in the room, enabling content to be easily dragged and dropped between the various displays in the room. We have now extended the number of possible streams so that a second main display can be incorporated, giving presenters extra flexibility when choosing where to display content.
  • In courtrooms where the display of content is often controlled by the court clerk, it's now possible to provide a second 'Room View' for publishing content. Content is also shown on the Judge's monitor at the same time, allowing approval to be given for content to be published, without the judge actually needing to operate the equipment.
  • The new feature is also extremely useful in education environments where the second preview screen can be used to assist with training of staff. It also enables an additional person to take care of content display when visiting professors are using the room.

Redesigning the Room View

We've made working with twin display screens very easy to manage because different colours are used to highlight each stream. A single arrow or double arrow also shows clearly which content is streaming to either Screen 1 or screen 2. Even users unable to recognise colours easily are able to identify the different streams.

vSolution MATRIX sample Room View
vSolution MATRIX sample Room View
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