On the “Unteres Schloss” campus at the University of Siegen, there are two classrooms, where because of structural limitations it was not possible to install or use wall-mounted whiteboards. These rooms are generally used by the Faculties of Economic sciences, Economic Computer Science, and Economic Law. The possibility of using interactive whiteboards, and a Desktop or Ceiling Visualizer was examined, which would enable effective projection onto two screens. The university’s key requirements were ease of use, simple installation, and the possibility of using a larger working area, with writable working surface, adjustable working height, recording functionality, and and unobstructed view between educator, and auditorium.

After evaluation of all alternatives, a WolfVision VZ-C6 Ceiling Visualizer connected to two projectors was installed in each room. An electronic height-adjustable table with WolfVision XXL re-writable working surface (92 x 52cm) was also installed. The writing surface can be written on with a non-permanent marker, and additionally, 3 dimensional objects, books or other content of all types can be shown ‘live’ on-screen. The VZ-C6 is operated using a Crestron touch panel. In addition, these sources can be adjusted for zoom range, focus, and other functions, and users can also connect laptops and USB sticks etc.
The diverse range of uses is really good! Most of all, the easy switching between laptop and Visualizer content, and display of materials side by side on-screen is very helpful.
Dr. Peter Enders Rechtsanwalt & Notar - Universität SiegenThe Visualizer systems have proved to be extremely reliable, and are regularly used by dozens of users. Dr. Peter Enders, Rechtsanwalt & Notar, Universität Siegen said “The diverse range of uses is really good! Most of all, the easy switching between laptop and Visualizer content, and display of materials side by side on-screen is very helpful”. The VZ-C6 systems have given the faculty a very effective and easy to use blackboard replacement solution.

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