High performance imaging in the classroom
Founded in 1943, BI Norwegian Business School is the largest business school in Norway, and the second largest in Europe. BI is currently the largest provider of economic and administrative education in Norway, with more than 200,000 graduates since 1983. The school is a private foundation, and is accredited by The Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT), as a specialised university institution.
Its Triple Crown School status, (having EQUIS, AACSB, and AMBA accreditations) means that BI is ranked amongst the top 1% of business schools worldwide. Academic activities are organised into nine separate research departments covering every discipline that one would expect to find at a modern European business school.

Wolfvision is a small company. But they are serious, and deliver world leading products. They listen to their customers and when necessary, are able to make adjustments very quickly.
Tor-Arne Tømte Senior Operations Specialist - BI Norwegian Business SchoolBI has been a WolfVision customer since 2005 when they purchased 50 Visualizer systems. As of 2019, after 14 years of constant classroom usage, every single one of these Visualizers is still operational and used regularly. In total there are now around 70 VZ-8light, and 16 VZ-3neo Visualizers in use at the school. Installed together with Epson projectors, Samsung and NEC screens, and Sennheiser microphones, they provide high quality support for instructors in classrooms and auditoriums throughout the Oslo, Trondheim, Bergen and Stavanger campuses.

In common with many universities worldwide, a key use for the Visualizers is to assist with getting handwritten information up on screen for the whole class to see. As a business school, instructors at BI have in particular, a requirement to present a considerable amount of mathematics information to students during classroom sessions. Using a Visualizer enables on-screen images to be clearly displayed, with smooth illumination, and without distortion or any hotspots that might otherwise cause distractions in the classroom.
In addition to the advantage of having handwritten content material available for easy on-screen viewing, it‘s also a benefit that instructors no longer need to turn away from the students in order to write on a whiteboard or other surface attached to the wall. Audience engagement is increased, attention is easier to maintain, and instructors are able to explain what they are writing as they write it, because they remain facing the students.
BI Norwegian Business School purchases Wolfvision Visualizers because in their opinion they are overall the best Visualizers on the market. Noting that they are not the cheapest available, BI also find them to be by far the most reliable imaging systems available.
“Wolfvision is a small company. But they are serious, and deliver world leading products. They listen to their customers and when necessary, are able to make adjustments very quickly.” commented Tor-Arne Tømte, BI Senior Operations Specialist. WolfVision is extremely proud to play an important supporting role in student education at BI Norwegian Business school, and looks forward to providing support and advice to this leading educational institution for many years to come.

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