Blog e notizie

Abbracciare il lavoro ibrido: Soluzioni wireless Bring Your Own Meeting (BYOM)

Nel contesto lavorativo in rapida evoluzione di oggi, il modello di lavoro ibrido è diventato la norma, combinando lavoro remoto e in ufficio.

Le Soluzioni AV per le Aule di Giustizia di Domani, Oggi

Questo articolo esplora come la tecnologia AV stia trasformando le aule di giustizia di oggi, garantendo che la magistratura possa soddisfare le esigenze della giustizia moderna.

Supporting hybrid learning - today and for the future

A consistent learning experience for both in-classroom & remote students

Easy wireless screen sharing for meeting rooms

Introducing WolfVision technology into your meeting room makes wireless screen sharing easier than ever before. 

Courtroom AV technology solutions

Evidence presentation system for in-person, hybrid & virtual courts from WolfVision.

New multi-platform web conferencing feature added to Cynap systems

Firmware release version v1.52j brings new features and functionality

The shift to hybrid courtroom technology

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, courtrooms worldwide are undergoing rapid change.

Best uses for a document camera in 2023

The new hybrid world means we’re all making far more online presentations than ever before, and there’s never been a better time to put a document camera to good use. Current WolfVision systems support the UVC standard enabling hassle-free plug-and-play, high performance on-screen display of ‘live’ content materials for in-classroom, online, and hybrid learning, meeting room and courtroom usage.

Bringing hybrid classes & meetings to life

Simply use your WolfVision Visualizer to transform the quality of your online on-screen content material.

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