
ハイブリッドカンファレンスルーム & ミーテイングスペース


ハイブリッド学習を支援する - 現在および将来


Cynap family firmware update v1.47h

New firmware version v1.47h is available for Cynap, Cynap Core, Cynap Pure, and Cynap Pure Pro.

What makes our wireless presentation systems unique?

What makes our wireless presentation systems unique?

Cynap firmware update v1.44f

New firmware version v1.44f is available for Cynap, Cynap Core, Cynap Pure and Cynap Pure Pro.

Cynap firmware update v1.44g

New firmware version v1.44g is available for Cynap, Cynap Core, and Cynap Pure Pro.

Visualizer firmware update v1.43f

New Visualizer firmware version v1.43f is available for VZ-3neo, VZ-8light4, VZ-8plus4, VZ,8neo, VZ-8neo+, VZ-9.4F, VZ-9.4L, VZ-C6, and EYE-14 models.

ハイブリッドカンファレンスルーム & ミーティングスペース


The shift to hybrid courtroom technology

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, courtrooms worldwide are undergoing rapid change.

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