The Faculty of Law at the University of Oslo is the oldest and largest educational and research institution in the area of Law in Norway. The faculty educates approximately 75% of all new legal candidates in Norway, and it is the place of study for around 4,300 students and 300 employees. Faculty staff also fulfil a key role in Norwegian society as they are much sought after as members and leaders in councils and committees, especially for legal committees and arbitration positions. In common with many educational institutions worldwide, a current prime strategy for the faculty is the digitisation of studies. The university looked initially to acquire a solution for recording lectures for online, on-demand usage. They have chosen to install WolfVision Cynap collaboration systems to fulfil this requirement. However, Cynap was selected not only for its powerful recording features, but also because of the benefits of its additional multi-functional capability - such as wireless BYOD screen mirroring without the need for apps and dongles, media player, and streaming for example, which fit well with the needs of the faculty strategy to further facilitate the flexible use of digital study materials.

It has been very satisfying to work with WolfVision, as a company that has such close connections between developers, sales managers, and the customer. As a customer we really feel that our needs are listened to, and when facing any challenges, we have received swift and excellent help."
Odd Erik Pedersen Senior Engineer - University of OsloWireless BYOD will form the next step in the university AV/IT infrastructure upgrade as they begin to further implement their digitisation plans. This will enable both students and professors alike to use their mobile devices to leverage available digital materials as part of the teaching and learning experience. Each installation at the university comprises a Cynap unit, WolfVision Visualizer, Crestron room management system, and a desktop PC with the opportunity to also connect other devices via HDMI and VGA. Users have the flexibility to select how they wish to use the system using the Crestron touch screen. HDMI and USB devices are connected via a switch, and with this solution users who want to use the full Cynap GUI are able to do so. This enables usage of Cynap’s annotation, whiteboard, and moderator features during presentations and lectures when required.

To date, seven Cynap collaboration systems have been installed in lecture halls, plus an additional unit in a meeting room. The Faculty of Law also have plans in place for a 22,000m² new building, designed as a state-of-the-art, future-oriented learning environment. This new building will have three new auditoriums, and an additional twenty classroom/seminar rooms, and the plan is to also install Cynap in these additional learning spaces upon completion. “It has been very satisfying to work with WolfVision, as a company that has such close connections between developers, sales managers, and the customer. As a customer we really feel that our needs are listened to, and when facing any challenges, we have received swift and excellent help”, commented Odd Erik Pedersen, Senior Engineer at the University of Oslo.“
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